Imagine a world where Muslims and Christians and Koreans all live together. They go shopping hand in hand at Tescos, and write each other love-letters all day about love. BAM. YOU CAN'T. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
There's a reason Muslims and Christians and Koreans magnetically repel each other - (SCIENCE FACT NOT SCIENCE FICTION) - its because they're all different. And that's good! Just like the Roal Variety Performance last year was all about a certain all-star dance crew from the shanty-town of Croydon, in the darkest nether-regions of the groin of London, so too is the world all about diversity.

Now try and imagine a nightmarish world where these people were sandwiched together (metaphorically), day-and-night having to listen to each other go on and on about their kids or their dogs or what Jesus is up to or how Japan sucks. NIGHTMARISH.
No need to imagine it! ITS ALREADY HAPPENED
Bull s
I started a new band with a ginger guy and a man with a neck beard. We are amazing. Reynolds (bassist and all round show-stopper) brought some cupcakes to our last practice (see photo-realistic diagram above). I was greedily cramming them into my gaping maw when he told me they were CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!111111111111111
I flipped the flip out. They were d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s - but they went against everything I stand for - segregated foodstuffs/people/books on shelves
Here is the 411 guys
We've just got to accept that stuff gets put together with other stuff these days. This new stuff is called "combined stuff" or "COMBISTUFF" or "CMSFF" sometimes, although not very often.
I forget what I was talking about and I don't want to have to scroll back and up and read what I just wrote so here's a recipe (sp???):
Peanut-butter cupcakes as prepared by su-chef kelly brook/b
take one cupcake
make sure its made of peanut butter
cover it in chocolate icing
make sure the icing and the cupcake are delicious
serve with a cherry glaze and a compet of raspberries and dragon fruit, decorated with champagne foam

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