Spring break is coming up soon (maybe)! I am super excited about all the fun we're going to have! In England we call Spring Break "Chrsitmas", but in America, they call Spring Break...SPRING BREAK!!! I'm just imagining all the adventures I might have...
ANYWAY! This blog is about reviewing peanut-butter, not wearing hoodies or being a bear!
This installment: Tesco Wholenut Crunchy Peanut Butter After coming under attack from one Alex Andrews for not being a conessewer (sp???) of PB because I prefer smooth, silk like textures in my mouth, I have decided to defend my coinasser (sp?!?) status by reviewing a crunchy peanut butter AND banning him from ever posting on this blog.
(Picture of Tesco Wholenut Crunchy Peanut Butter)(
(Imagine it)
I found this particular spread to be what one might call a "keeping up with the jonses but failing" spread - there is no such thing as Fair Trade peanut butter, so the next best option is WHOLENUT. However, you don't have very much money so you shop at Tescos (but you think you are too good for Lidl because it is full of old Eastern European people). THIS IS THE SPREAD FOR YOU!!!
I found it mildly pleasant, and you can certainly feel the benefit of the extra roughage in your PB as it heads directly for your colon. However, the taste, whilst initially unsurprising yet pleasing, lingers indefinitely on one's tongue - ensuring a savoury aftertaste that is horrible, yet not without its charms if you go searching in the back of your mouth with a finger when you're really hungry.
Taste: 3/5 descending to 1/5 Texture: 2/5 Cost: THE PRICE IS RIGHT